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Paranormal Packages 1: The Sister Doll - Conclusion

Hello everyone! Welcome to the final update and conclusion of our investigation of the Sister Doll, purchased from SynisterFourWinds on Etsy.

Firstly, if you haven't read the first post regarding the doll, you should give it a look to get caught up on the backstory of the object. For those who are up-to-date, Let's begin with a breakdown of our investigation process:

Week 1: Isolation Testing

We began our testing of the object by isolating it in a small room, and utilized the EMF meter, motion balls, and a REM-pod while maintaining constant video surveillance to monitor paranormal activity. Because we were unaware on the nature of the entity that might possibly be attached to the object--it was decided that isolation would be the best approach until determining whether or not the entity would mean us any harm.

The doll remained under observation for one week, with motion and sound detection enabled to alert us of any unusual activity. Throughout this first phase, there were two instances late into the night when we were notified of noise coming from the room that sounded as though the door was being pushed. Upon review, we were unable to determine the source of the sound, and because it could have been some noise pollution from the surrounding area, we took this with a grain of salt. Although we also had some instances of a motion ball being activated, the majority of these events followed physical disturbance in the surrounding area, such as doors being closed. One instance was also timely in response to a request via a speaker to light one of the motion balls.

We received no EMF fluctuations, visuals anomalies, or REM-pod responses throughout the first week of testing.

Week 2: Exposure Testing

Week two would be very different from the first week of testing. There would be no equipment used since the purpose of week two would be to observe emotional responses to the doll's presence. Throughout week two, nobody felt any different than they did prior to being exposed to the doll. Though it made one person slightly uncomfortable.

Week 3: Exposure under Surveillance

During week three, the doll was placed under surveillance while simultaneously being exposed to an environment with people frequently in its presence. This yielded more or less the same results as the first week of testing, with only the motion ball being activated. The majority of people we surveyed claimed that they felt somewhat tired when looking at the doll, or slightly uncomfortable. One person said that after the first day of exposure, their pet at home seemed to act unusual--as if they were in the presence of a predator, freezing in place and staring at something unseen. These were the only unusual occurrences during this period of testing.

Final Verdict

Unfortunately, we did not capture enough evidence to confirm that the doll is haunted. Motion balls are always a neat indication of a potential haunting, but only when they are activated in a timely manner as a response to questioning--motion balls also should be used in conjunction with other pieces of evidence. There was no EMF, REM-pod, or visible activity to contribute to the likelihood of the object being containing a spirit. Due to the lack of evidence gathered throughout testing, we can confidently say that the object in question is nothing more than meets the eye--a porcelain doll.

- Ron :)

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