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  • Writer's pictureRon


Hello all! This is just a quick update following up on the latest phase of testing with the Sister Doll. This far in, we have had the doll isolated and under surveillance to record evidence of a possible haunting. Although results were not very compelling, the next phase of testing would be to see if the doll might show non-physical signs of a haunting, such as a psychological effect on those around it for prolonged periods of time. We created special forms to record said effects on individuals in the surrounding area. Although the forms are still pending receipt, we are now moving onto the third phase.

Phase III: Surveillance in a populated area.

For this phase, we have had the pleasure of working with some highly enthusiastic individuals who were more than happy to participate in the experiment. They have agreed to allow the doll to remain in their space for the next week under surveillance and will also be filling out survey forms at the conclusion of the week. They have also agreed to note any unusual activity or equipment alarms on a provided evidence report worksheet. As always, we will be using the BOO BOYS trifecta of motion balls, K-2, and REM pods for monitoring any strange energy readings or potential movement.

Stay tuned for the week three update when we collect and review surveys and evidence from this portion of testing!

P.S. New investigation blog should be all wrapped up this weekend with a special surprise coming the following weekend.

-Ron :)

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