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  • Writer's pictureRon


Updated: Jan 11, 2023

Welcome back to your weekly installment of Paranormal Packages! Without further ado, let's take a look at the results of our week 1 testing below:

Week 1: Isolated testing

For our first week with the doll, we decided to isolate it and interact with via our KASA smart cameras. During this period of time, it was under 24/7 surveillance to ensure that any unusual activity would be videoed and documented as evidence. We set the motion and audio detection to their most acute settings and would occasionally interact and communicate using the camera's built-in speaker. Along with this, we incorporated the use of two motion balls, a REM-Pod, and an EMF meter to capture unexplained motion or fluctuations in EMF readings.

The following are what have been observed thus far:

-Strange knocking between 3 and 5 am

-On-cue motion ball requests (start and stop)

-Continuous motion ball activity (nearly 15 minutes)

Though we did not capture any orbs, mists, or shadows on our infrared camera, we did capture several instances in which one of two motion balls were activated by means unknown. While this is not compelling on its own, there was one instance in which a motion ball it up just after requesting that it do so. Another interesting instance of activity occurred just as I left the doll on its own. As soon as I departed and left the doll on its own, one of the motion balls began a constant flashing that seemed to last nearly 15 minutes. I have never seen this happen without obvious physical intervention. Additionally, strange sounds such as knocks could be heard late into the night on two separate occasions, one night at 3:04 am and again at 4:22 am on another. Although these were somewhat strange events, they were not enough to verify the possibility of a haunting, which leads us to week 2 of testing. During this week, the doll will be moved out of isolation and will be placed in a public space in which people are actively occupying during the day. There will be no equipment set up to monitor the doll for this portion of testing, and we will instead be observing how it affects those who are in contact with it (voluntarily lol) over the course of the week. Stay tuned for further updates!

-Ron :)

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